Monday, October 4, 2010

Vitamin K Foods

Vitamin K is a very essential nutrient but is one that few individuals know very much about, let alone know anything about vitamin K foods. It is definitely essential for your body to be able to coagulate blood to cease bleeding a person is injured.

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin K is 85 micrograms (mcg) every day. Deficiencies in this vitamin are uncommon since your body is able to store the nutrient and getting acceptable levels of vitamin K foods is comparatively easy to achieve.

Foods with vitamin will preserve most of the vitamin K even after being exposed to heat or boiled in water. An example of how simple it is to get your daily intake of vitamin K is that one and a half tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley includes 100% of your daily need for the vitamin.

Vitamin K deficiencies are unusual, mainly because if your diet is so inadequate that it is causing a vitamin K deficiency, generally a more essential nutrient that is harder to obtain will cause you to receive medical care before you ever get to the position of being tremendously deficient in vitamin K. Individuals who are at risk for not having enough vitamin K are newborns, people with liver disease, those with cystic fibrosis and individuals with severe digestive disorders.

Symptoms of a deficiency include bloody noses, anemia, not forming complete scabs if bleeding and bruising easily. Even though vitamin K in the supplemental form is rare, it is commonly regarded as safe for all populations. People taking a blood thinner, like Coumandin which goes by the generic name warfarin, should skip vitamin K foods since these are people who have to prevent blood clots.

You can understand more research about how to pick the best vitamin k foods.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hot Flashes in Men

A regular question among older men, though one they would rather not ask out of embarrassment, is if male menopause and hot flashes in men occur or not. Men do not specifically go through period where some of the reproductive organs stop their capabilities yet men do go through changes in their hormones and even hot flashes. Yes, hot flashes in men and even mood swings are a possibility. Men tend to experience a decrease in testosterone much more gradually than women lose hormones during menopause though a name has been made up for male menopause: Andropause.

Men might get andropause naturally or after androgen suppression therapy to deal with prostate cancer. A change in testosterone amounts can cause your brain's hypothalamus region to misunderstand the needs of the body. It tricks that part of the brain into imagining you are not warm enough so it tells your blood vessels to dilate, making you blush and get sweaty. Also, guys who are missing a testicle due to prostate cancer have a 75% likelihood of suffering from hot flashes due to lower testosterone amounts.

Numerous men going though andropause have severe night sweats that soaks the blankets which causes most men to lose hours of precious sleep. While experiencing a hot flash men blush and start to perspire, making it clear to others that he is overheating. The normal hot flash occurs for about four minutes, followed by a sudden cold feeling that is very uncomfortable when you are soaked from sweat.

Many hot flashes happen at night so taking steps before you get into bed is very significant. Cool down in your bedroom right before you lay down and keep it cool during the night by opening a window or running the air conditioning. You can buy large thin magnets that can be placed over vents in other rooms of the house so that cold air from the air conditioning is focused in your bedroom.

Also talk to a healthcare professional; they may be able to evaluate any drugs you are on to decide if they are increasing your symptoms. A rather ordinary treatment for hot flashes in men is to use the same hormone replacement therapy that women take for menopause side effects. Over 83% of men report relief with hormone replacement therapy though side effects could include bloating and weight gain.

Decreasing hormone levels or prostate gland treatments can cause hot flashes in men. You will discover several easy changes to your lifestyle which you can try to reduce these hot flashes and even treatment options from your physician that will help out if non-medicated strategies didn't provide sufficient relief.

You can read even more research about hot flashes in men and how to block them.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hair Ringworm

Hair ringworm is caused by a fungus called tinea capitis and not by an actual worm. Usual ways of contracting ringworm are through hats, pillows, combs, pets, and any place where the head touches where other people place their heads such as headphones at the library or the headrest on a plane. The fungus finds small openings on the scalp and feeds off of the keratin (a protein on the scalp)..

Hair ringworm causes the scalp to turn red and irritated and get dry and scaly, similar to the symptoms of severe dandruff. Your hair will typically come out in round bald patches, sometimes small black dots remain, otherwise the area looks red and swollen. Some kinds of ringworm attack the shafts of the hair causing the hair to become weak and break off right at the scalp.

Doctors can ordinarily diagnose hair ringworm with a visual inspection. Doctors usually suggest oral anti fungal medications to treat the ringworm. Griseofulvin is the most common prescription; it is taken daily for one to two months or until a lab sample reveals that the ringworm is eliminated.

Once your hair ringworm is eliminated, there are significant preventative steps you will want to take. You will want to get rid of old combs, pillows and other objects that touch the head like hats or headphones. Removable headrests that are washable are a good idea for the furniture in the house. And remember, a person can carry the fungus without being affected by ringworm, so encourage everyone you live with to take preventative measures.

Stay away from sharing hairbrushes, hats and pillows with other people. Do not lean the head on public headrests, for example on the bus, until you cover or clean the headrest. Animals are common carries of ringworm so do not touch your face or hair after petting an animal and wash your hands as soon as you are able.

Hair ringworm is a very irritating and discomforting condition. Visiting your health care provider so that you can get proper prescriptions is your best weapon for beating ringworm. Always be cautious of what your scalp comes into contact with each day will help you avoid ringworm by avoiding contact with the common places that ringworm likes to hang out.

You can understand further information about hair ringworm and further fungal infections.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sun Poisoning

Sun poisoning is similar to sunburn and the two are medically categorized as photodermatitis. A sunburn is the skin's allergic response when it has been exposed to high levels of sun light. For all useful reasons, most people regard these 3 conditions differently, with sun poisoning being the more significant of the 2 .

The pigments in your skin grant you some natural shield against the sun, and sunblock adds to this protection. But once this shield is beyond its threshold, the sun begins to burn and hurt your skin. Many people experience the most painful of sunburn symptoms 24 hours after the burn occurred and this can take weeks to completely heal.

Sun poisoning usually involves a sunburn but also symptoms like nausea, dizziness, headache or fever. Usually at this point a person has also become dehydrated and might feel light-headed and have difficultly thinking straight. Children, the elderly and pregnant women are much more vulnerable to sun poisoning, as are people who are hypoglycemic or are very out of shape.

Some people are particularly sensitive to sun light and their skin forms a rash from UV exposure. This is known as polymorphous light eruption or PLE and occurs frequently right at the beginning of warm weather after a long period where people were extremely deprived of sunlight. In this situation, sunburn may not have to occur for these symptoms to be experienced.

The best method to avoid the negative effects from the sun if you are spending the day outside is to protect yourself with sunblock and clothing and to seek shade. If you are vulnerable to suffering from the nausea and light-headedness of sun poisoning, try breaking up your sun exposure with visits indoors or at the very least, breaks spent in the shade. Staying hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids is essential.

If you are especially photosensitive, you will need to take additional measures such as wearing sunblock on most days and being very aware of when you are exposed to the sun. And also be conscience of the sun exposure you get from being in automobiles or in sunny offices because glass windows provide no sun protection. If this has happened to you, think about storing sunblock both in your car and at your job.

You can learn additional information regarding sun poisoning and additional skincare matters.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is Poison Ivy Contagious?

The answer to the inquiry "Is poison ivy contagious?" is not as obvious as you may believe. The term contagious leads one to think that the skin rash can be contracted from another individual, but this manner of spreading the rash doesn't actually explain how poison ivy works. The rash that results from poison ivy happens after contact with the plant but if the plant residue stays on a person and they touch another person, so you might think that poison ivy is contagious.

Knowing that so many people are susceptible to this poison and that they can receive it from touching any piece of the plant encourages people ask, “Is poison ivy contagious?”. You could get the poison chemical on you if you touch the skin of someone who just came in contact with urushiol because the poison would not yet have soaked into their skin.

Side effects from poison ivy develop over the first 24 to 72 hours following contact. Tiny bumps occur first and grow into a red rash with blisters. Blisters differ in size and look yellow in color although the fluid inside is clear. It takes roughly 2 weeks for the normal rash to heal. Some serious side effects of poison ivy include engorgement in the eyes or face or if the rash starts to envelop a larger portion of your body.

If you know you just came in contact with poison ivy, take care not to touch that portion of your body to anything else and never touch the contaminated area with your hands. Wash the part of your skin exposed as quickly as viable, every minute the resin remains on your skin, the worse your rash will become. For the most part, people are not aware that they touched poison ivy until a rash occurs the following day.

So poison ivy is contagious in that touching someone who just touched the plant can give you a rash, but from a medical point of view, poison ivy is not contagious. In order to not get a poison ivy rash, always make sure to not have skin uncovered when in a wooded setting and always take off clothing and wash up directly after your outing.

You can read more concerning if poison ivy is contagious and about additional outdoor health concerns.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Rotator Cuff Exercises

Rotator cuff exercises are a wonderful way to treat, and prevent, injuries to the shoulder. The tendons and muscles that attach the humerus (upper arm bone) and scapula (shoulder blade) are the parts that make up the rotator cuff. Injuries including tendonitis, shoulder impingement syndrome and tears in the rotator cuff are generally owing to either over-stressed or fragile out-of-shape and tight muscles.

You can use simple light dumbbells to perform many rotator cuff exercises. Many trainers agree that beginners should try weight lifting with free weights rather than using weight machines since most people manage machines improperly and are much more likely to injure themselves. These lifting moves commonly involve moving the shoulder, with your elbows bent at 90 degrees, from assorted angles.

It is critical to understand several other issues before merely picking up some dumbbells and randomly performing some lifting moves. Properly warming up is very essential if you wish to get the most out of your labors and to evade injury. This is especially true if you have a weak shoulder or are trying to develop the shoulder after an injury. Warm-ups consisting of a number of arm circles, from small to large and rotating in varied directions, are a great way to loosen up your arm for a workout.

When you have a warm-up selected that you are comfortable with, you will need to consider which rotator cuff exercises to perform and how many of each you should perform. Most beginners will want to pick approximately 4 exercises with each move toning the shoulder in a distinct way. Although in the short-term simply focusing on one muscle could present you the muscular exterior you yearn for, the tension and strain you will be putting the body under is not worthwhile.

For the objective of strengthening and increasing flexibility, you will have to do more repetitions of a movement with lighter weights versus merely a couple of reps with heavier weights. Start by doing two sets of 8 to 10 repetitions of each exercise and increase up to three or four sets of 20 to 30 reps each. Recovery days when you do not workout are vital, particularly when you are just beginning since it supplies the muscles time to heal, shot for two to three days off a week.

Having a good stretching routine after lifting weights is a simple procedure to get even more out of the workout by increasing your flexibility. Decide on at least 3 different stretches for the arms and hold each one for no less then 15 seconds. Stretching ought to feel agreeable and never discomforting. If it is painful you are either stretching too far or you are aggravating an injury. If you are healing from an injury, you may want to ice down your shoulder with either an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables that you have specified for the shoulder, (mark this bag of veggies with a permanent marker so you do not accidentally eat it!).

Finding rock-solid rotator cuff exercises that you can grow into will provide you with the shoulder strength and appearance you have always wanted. These lifting moves are also fantastic habits for getting shape and are thought of as low impact. Never finish an exercise that hurts the arm past the customary strain you experience from weight lifting, there are many different exercises and you should never do something that injures the body.

You can read further research concerning rotator cuff exercises and further build upper body muscles.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Shrink Prostate

BPH, commonly referred to as an enlarged prostate, is a very normal condition in older men. BPH is a maddening malady but is infrequently dangerous, still most men wish to shrink prostate glands if at all feasible. The central situation that men face from BPH is having to urinate more often. About one in six men are at risk for prostate cancer and 10% of prostate cancers lead to death.

An enlarged prostate gland is just a natural side effect of getting older as a man. For some men, unfortunately, this natural part of aging causes prostate cancer. The two major reasons a man gets prostate cancer are, to no one's amazement, old age and bad diet. Statistics prove that meals heavy in fats from meat and deficient in basic nutrients can cause cancers such as prostate cancer. Above average levels of dihydrotestosterone, a variant of testosterone, intensifies growth of the prostate gland and for older men, this can result in an enlarged prostate. The vast majority of prostate cancer cases reported every year are reported in the United States and Europe.

More serious ways to shrink prostate glands include prescriptions medicines and surgical operations. They are optional if you only have BPH but are suggested if you are stricken with prostate cancer. Drugs that shrink hormones in the body, along with Alpha blockers that sedate muscles surrounding the prostate, are a very popular formula. For more invasive relief or to stop cancer, a portion or all of the prostate gland may be removed. These are commonly performed through the urethra and tend to be same day surgeries.

Seeing a doctor right when you feel any BPH symptoms is one of the best ways to beat future symptoms and prostate cancer. Almost definitely, you are experiencing an enlarged prostate which is relatively harmless though it can be distressing and problematic occasionally. Even if you do not feel symptoms of BPH, annual prostate examines are your best tool in the fight prevent prostate cancer.

Antihistamines, decongestants and cold medications can exasperate BHP symptoms and should be avoided. Lower the level of fatty meat you eat and start taking 30 to 60mg of the mineral zinc per day. A common practice in European countries, is to have extracts from palmetto berries by either capsules or brewed teas. Berries from the saw palmetto plant can decrease the prostate's engorgement and thwart urinary tract problems. Enjoying long hot bathes heat up the tissue near the prostate and promotes healing. One prostate health method that most men like to practice is frequent ejaculation. Forcing the prostate to produce semen on a regular schedule will keep it constantly washing itself out due to use.

Fortunately, most enlarged prostate glands are not dangerous, only frustrating. Simple changes to your lifestyle can greatly shrink prostate glands. For the most part an enlarged prostate is just monitored since surgical procedures and medications cause just as many negative health results as having an enlarged prostate and not treating it. For the most part, if you ever have doubts about symptoms, see your medical doctor so that cancer can be ruled out.

You can learn additional information about what to do to shrink prostate and prevent prostate cancer from ever happening to you.