Vitamin K is a very essential nutrient but is one that few individuals know very much about, let alone know anything about vitamin K foods. It is definitely essential for your body to be able to coagulate blood to cease bleeding a person is injured.
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin K is 85 micrograms (mcg) every day. Deficiencies in this vitamin are uncommon since your body is able to store the nutrient and getting acceptable levels of vitamin K foods is comparatively easy to achieve.
Foods with vitamin will preserve most of the vitamin K even after being exposed to heat or boiled in water. An example of how simple it is to get your daily intake of vitamin K is that one and a half tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley includes 100% of your daily need for the vitamin.
Vitamin K deficiencies are unusual, mainly because if your diet is so inadequate that it is causing a vitamin K deficiency, generally a more essential nutrient that is harder to obtain will cause you to receive medical care before you ever get to the position of being tremendously deficient in vitamin K. Individuals who are at risk for not having enough vitamin K are newborns, people with liver disease, those with cystic fibrosis and individuals with severe digestive disorders.
Symptoms of a deficiency include bloody noses, anemia, not forming complete scabs if bleeding and bruising easily. Even though vitamin K in the supplemental form is rare, it is commonly regarded as safe for all populations. People taking a blood thinner, like Coumandin which goes by the generic name warfarin, should skip vitamin K foods since these are people who have to prevent blood clots.
You can understand more research about how to pick the best vitamin k foods.